A life lived in chaos is no kind of life. No matter how crazy your life seems today, God has a way for you to receive His peace in the midst of your chaos. Cultivating Peace will walk you through each messy place in your life one courageous step of faith at a time.
Through a series of courageous choices, Stephanie has learned how to live an authentic, messy life centered on the love of Jesus. This book is a result of that journey, and today Stephanie continues to encourage and empower women to live the Cultivating Peace Lifestyle one messy but courageous step of faith at a time.
From learning the truth about who you really are, to practical advice for dealing with the chaos of your home, Cultivating Peace encourages that woman struggling with her own personal chaos and shows her God has a way out and into His lasting peace.

You don't have to live in chaos, let me help.

Dig deeper into God’s plan for peace for your life…
Learning to receive God’s peace can sometimes require we dig deeper beneath the surface of our lives. True life change happens when we dig in to the truth of what God is whispering to our hearts:
We can release pain and receive healing.
We can release bitterness and receive grace.
We can release fear and receive courage.
We can release chaos and receive peace.
In Digging Deeper: A Companion Study Guide to Cultivating Peace, Stephanie Haynes gives you the tools you’ll need to dig in deep and cultivate a daily life of peace, and learn to maintain it no matter what seasonal chaos you may encounter. How deep you dig is up to you, but the deeper you allow Jesus to take you, the deeper the peace you will receive.

Melissa Groff
Stephanie and her book are amazingly heartfelt! Without a doubt God has spoken through her and lead her to write a wonderfully insightful book that has brought me true peace in my chaos! What a simple and true message!!! Thank you God for leading Stephanie down this path!!!

Melody Bundschuh
I’ve always thought of myself as very organized, but the CP study helps you marry up time organization with priorities. The study helps you take a step back and evaluate how you really want to be spending your life so the years just don’t pass by.

Chris Smaglis
I want to share with you what I took away from Cultivating Peace. I am one of those people who say Yes to everything!!! Then in the midst of all my busyness I teeter on the verge of overwhelming chaos!!!! This study helped me focus on what is important, and practically how to manage my that I can be an effective wife, friend...Child of God.
Becoming Still is not for the faint of heart...
Becoming still requires a sheer act of will to relinquish control and to instead receive. It’s easy to be in control, working to take care of all we’ve been given. It’s much harder to allow God to work through us instead.
And yet, helping us to let go of control is exactly what He wants to do for us. You and I have been given extraordinary lives. Lives created to advance the kingdom of God and impact the world in which we live. Every action, every choice, every relationship, even every chance encounter with a stranger has the potential to change everything.
That’s a lot of responsibility to take on. How are you doing with handling all that?
The good news is that the Holy Spirit Himself seeks to produce for us all we need by cultivating His fruit in our lives, and giving us access to all the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control we need to live our lives in the most extraordinary way.
Becoming Still: Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit will remind you who you are, the Truth of how to live the life we’ve been given, and show you how to stop striving to be all you think you need to be.
It’s time to receive all the Spirit has to offer to the glory of God.