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Stephanie Haynes
Jul 19, 2017
Learning Balance from God’s Creation
There are times in my life when I feel like I’m being tested, times when I feel completely out of balance. You do know that mom-guilt is a

Stephanie Haynes
Jul 12, 2017
The Struggle to be Present
Life keeps on moving, and like it or not, we have to make tough decisions about the limited amount of time we all have for this one life. I

Stephanie Haynes
Jul 5, 2017
How God Multiplies Your Time
You can learn from this true story, my friend. God is at work in all ways and in all things. BELIEVE IT. Â LIVE IT. WATCH FOR IT. The next ti

Stephanie Haynes
May 11, 2017
Laying a God Foundation Before Moving On
I believe that if we can lay a new foundation within our own lives based on the Truth, every other area of our lives will be affected in a p

Stephanie Haynes
Apr 4, 2017
Are You Ready for Some Peace?
Today, we are busy women who don't always have time to come together all at the same time for a class meant to help us calm the chaos of

Stephanie Haynes
Mar 1, 2017
Priority Management: Work vs. Home
Today’s woman is busy. At work, we manage, coordinate, organize, plan, build and implement. Then, at home we do the same. However, we...

Stephanie Haynes
Feb 22, 2017
Priority Management: Menu Planning
One of the priorities of our lives that I believe is most often overlooked is the value of menu-planning for evening meals. It takes time...

Stephanie Haynes
Feb 15, 2017
Mastering Your To-Do List
For as long as I can remember I have been making To-Do lists. Grocery to-do lists, school work to-do lists, project to-do lists, work...

Stephanie Haynes
Feb 8, 2017
Scheduling for Balance in 5 Steps
Building balanced lifestyles so we can love our lives isn't just a tagline, it's a way of life for me. There are a ton of requests vying...

Stephanie Haynes
Feb 1, 2017
Effective Priority Management
It's February! How are you doing in following through with the goals you have set? What success have you achieved? What failures have you...
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