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Stephanie Haynes
Nov 11, 2018
Love or Hate: Your Choice Matters
"Hatred stirs up conflicts, but love covers all offenses." (Proverbs 10:12 CSB) Why do we make loving others so complicated? We are...
Stephanie Haynes
Oct 6, 2018
Courage Redefined
I have never known what it is to lose a child. But this year I have witnessed from afar the journey of a remarkable couple who have. His...
Stephanie Haynes
Sep 15, 2018
Are You Partnering with the Devil?
Jesus commands us to love one another. Not condemn each other. Not shame each other. Not judge each other. But Love. Love those with...
Stephanie Haynes, for Sweet Jesus Ministries
Aug 4, 2016
Spread Love, Not Hate
Here's an excerpt from the bog I wrote for Sweet Jesus Ministries... The Great Commission: Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority...
Stephanie Haynes
Jul 11, 2016
You are Worthy of Love
For a long time I didn't believe I was worthy of love. I believed it was something I had to earn; if I could behave in just the right...
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