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Stephanie Haynes
Nov 11, 2018
Love or Hate: Your Choice Matters
"Hatred stirs up conflicts, but love covers all offenses." (Proverbs 10:12 CSB) Why do we make loving others so complicated? We are...

Stephanie Haynes
Sep 15, 2018
Are You Partnering with the Devil?
Jesus commands us to love one another. Not condemn each other. Not shame each other. Not judge each other. But Love. Love those with...

Stephanie Haynes
Aug 2, 2017
The Myth About Balance
There is an unspoken myth I see in the lives of women when it comes to the idea of finding balance. Simply put, the myth says, “Achieving ba

Stephanie Haynes
Jun 8, 2017
To Work or Not to Work: The Struggle is Real.
There seems to be a lot of concern about doing the “right” kind of work. We get all tied up in worry, wondering if what we do is important,
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